Carina - The power of revealing ones secrets

Carina - The power of revealing ones secrets

Lise Bourbeau author

Not yet published in English

3rd novel in Lise Bourbeau's series
Everyone has their secret garden in the deepest recesses of their mind. This third volume in the Arissiel series will keep you on guessing with the adventures of ARI, a young eighteen-year old man who inherits a fortune. Ari his a very gifted individual and he continues to develop his talents incessantly despite his fortune. He strives to help people in difficulty, including his aunt CARINA.
In this novel, your will discover the problems caused by CARINA's secrets, buried in her since her very early childhood. Also, you will realize why it is so important to reveal yourself and be accompanied in this process rather than becoming obsessed with your secrets or trying to hide them. 
This book will help you discover concrete and practical means in the art of revealing yourself, while breaking free from the heavy shackles of the past. You will then experience precious reconciliations and sometimes even completely unexpected healings.

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